激战2外挂打击不手软 A社官方的霸气回复
A社对激战2违法行为的打击是十分到位,且态度强硬,下面这篇论坛回复足以显示出官方打脸的霸气。 标题:"My friends need help!" 我朋友需要帮忙 (使用者)Q: Hello, My friends account got suspended few day ago,he did submit request,#669498 ticket,please help him with get back to game. 哈啰 我朋友的账号几天前被停权了,他已经发送了客服处理单#669498,请帮他恢复账号。 (官方人员Chris Cleary)A: Thank you for appealing for your “friend” that was responsible for Payment Fraud. Please do not attempt to appeal on these forums, we take Payment Fraud very seriously. Closing this thread, your account, and your 384 other accounts. 谢谢你呼吁"你的朋友",这是一件支付诈骗的案件。请勿在此论坛上发布这种主题来尝试吸引注意力,我们对于支付诈骗是非常谨慎重视的。 此篇主题将被关闭,你的账号也将被关闭,还有你的其他384个账号。 [编辑:薛定谔的猫箱]