2014-04-21 13:28来源:叶子猪发布者:NA新手卡|游戏下载
IX.击败火萨满(fire shaman)和他的小朋友 靠近传点[&BO4BAAA=] 火萨满在钢铁平原(Iron Marches)的Sorchlands,是一个团队事件。 X.完成62级个人故事"Forging the Pact." XI.完成永恒熔炉(CoE)的故事模式(LV78+) XII.找到Scholar Fryxx附近的华丽宝箱 靠近传点[&BO4CAAA=] Scholar Fryxx紧靠Long Way Around探索成就,在浩劫海峡(Straits of Devastation)的Fort Trinity西边 有两种方法,一是在10分钟内在洞穴停止六个数据面板,这有点难。另外一种是通过洞穴最深处左上的缝隙游过去。 XIII.击败Risen Priest of Grenth 靠近传点[&BCIDAAA=] Risen Priest of Grenth是Grenth神庙事件的一部分,在诅咒海岸。 包括以下事件: Help the Pact strike team make their way to Death’s Gaze Torch (80) Protect Tactician Footi as she sets up her cannon (80) See Keeper Jonez Deadrun safely to Death’s Gaze Torch (80) Secure Death’s Gaze Torch while Explorer Ambrose completes his ritual (80) Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence (80) [团队事件] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun (80) |