
激战2第二季推理三部曲 神秘的紫色能量

  第一部:迈古玛之门的路线图  第二部:地考察揭开巨龙秘密  第三部:神秘的紫色能量

  Upon entering the Thaumanova Fractal


  Kiel Observation Mode: All right, you're in. And it seems you're Inquest. Dessa says it's not unusual, but--

  正妹Kiel:好了,你进来了.看起来你变成了一个审判庭阿苏拉. Dessa说这是正常现象,但--

  Dessa Observation Mode: It isn't. If you were qualified, you'd know gross corporeal reassignment is a potential side effect of Fractal insertion.

  Dessa:这当然是正常现象.如果你是合格的, 你会明白有形物质总量再分配是碎片插入后的潜在副作用.

  Kiel Observation Mode: Fascinating. But according to the schematics, the reactor core is nearby. We need to access the console and take a sample.

  正妹Kiel:棒极了.根据设计图, 反应堆堆芯就在附近. 我们需要进入控制平台取得样本.

  Dessa Observation Mode: Very well. With random monsters teleporting in, and off-the-charts energy readings, I advise making a shortcut.

  Dessa:很好.由于会有随机的生物被传送进来, 以及现有的图标能量读数, 我建议我们来开一条快捷方式.

  Dessa Observation Mode: There should be explosive units nearby. Use one to breach the wall and you'll have much easier access.

  Dessa:这附近应该有一些爆炸装置, 把这面墙炸掉会便于你通过.

  Dessa Observation Mode: Our signal is too weak. Temporal drift left you long past the target time. Nothing we can do but press on.

  Dessa:我们的信号太弱了. 时间漂移装置将你带到了目标时间之后. 我们除了继续前进之外什么都不能做.

  Coming across Greeza's corpse


  Dessa Observation Mode: I know that technician from my old krewe. Her name was Greeza. If only we could have gotten you in sooner.


  Coming across Chibb's corpse


  Dessa Observation Mode: That's Chibb, a former krewemate of mine. Looks like he hasn't been dead long, poor thing.

  Dessa:这是Chibb.我过去在克鲁的同伴.看起来他刚死不久, 可怜的家伙.

  Upon activating the central control console


  Kiel Observation Mode: I'd like to know more about that special consultant, but this situation is deteriorating even faster than I expected.

  正妹Kiel:我想要了解更多关于特别顾问(请问special consultant在这里是特别顾问吗?), 但情况恶化的速度比我想象的还要快.

  Dessa Observation Mode: That's because you and your expectations are misinformed. And it's too late to turn back now.


  Dessa Observation Mode: By my readings, you can't get the core sample you need right now. The reactor's too hot. You need to cool it down.

  Dessa:根据我读过的内容, 你不能立刻就取得核心样本. 反应堆太热了. 你需要将其冷却下来.

  Dessa Observation Mode: I say disable the colliders in the adjacent labs and stop them from bombarding the core with high-magic particles.


  Dessa Observation Mode: That'll buy you time to get the sample and keep more of the researches alive long enough to talk to them


  When approaching the cooling chamber


  Dessa Observation Mode: The cooling chamber is overheating, but a cooling rod would slow the reaction. Did you bring one?

  Dessa:冷却室已经过热, 但是冷却棒可以减缓反应. 你有带一根吗?

  When further inside the cooling chamber


  Dessa Observation Mode: Keep going! We can talk about the grotesque consequences of nigh-lethal radiation later.

  Dessa: 继续前进.我们可以晚点再来谈谈受到致命剂量辐射会造成怎样的后果.(长出第六根脚趾,切下来丢死Scarlet吗XDD)

  When approaching the dormitories


  Dessa Observation Mode: Look for safety shields. Even the Inquest wouldn't conduct repulsor experiments without them.

  Dessa:寻找安全护盾. 就算是审判庭也不会在没有护盾的情况下进行脉冲实验(repulsor 不知道是什么意思.这个词好像是出自Ironman漫画中Ironman的Repulsor Beam)

  Approaching the live samples lab


  Kiel Observation Mode: Watch it! Subject 6 is loose. I don't know exactly what that thing is, but it looks nasty.

  正妹Kiel:小心! 实验体6号被释放了. 我不知道那到底是什么, 但它看起来很恶心.(Kiel姐姐你连软泥都没见过哦)

  Dessa Observation Mode: Seems to be of the ooze family, but radically mutated. Even more caustic, corrosive, and calamitous than usual.

  Dessa: 看起来是属于软泥科的生物, 但它已经从根本发生异变. 比普通软泥更具焦散性, 腐蚀性和破坏性.

  Kiel Observation Mode: Like I said, nasty.

  正妹Kiel: 正如我说的, 恶心!

  Dessa Observation Mode: There's a cooling rod in that area. If you can acquire it and not get slimed to death, do so. It may come in handy.

  Dessa: 这个区域中有一根冷却棒. 如果你能拿着并不被黏液腐蚀而死, 那就带着吧. 可能会有用.


  Dessa Observation Mode: The ooze is blocking access to the collider. You're going to have to kill it, so prepare to get slimy. (When reaching Subject 6)

  Dessa:这只软泥挡住了通往对撞机的路. 你们必须把他杀掉, 准备变得黏糊糊的吧(全身沾满黏液的正妹Kiel)


  Dessa Observation Mode: The little oozes are trying to repair the big one. Deal with them first. (During the Alpha 6 battle, repeats)


  Disabling the first collider


  Dessa Observation Mode: You have to shut down more colliders before you can extract a core sample.

  Dessa: 在你可以获得核心样本之前必须关闭更多的对撞机.

  Disabling the second collider


  Dessa Observation Mode: I think you're ready for the extraction. Head to the control panel and give it a try.

  Dessa:我想你已经准备好抽出核心样本了. 前往控制平台试试.

  Finding Scarlet Briar taking sample

  发现炸弹魔Scarlet Briar正在提取样本

  Scarlet Briar: Reactor approaching critical, panicked evacuation, general mayhem and hysteria...Yep, I'd say my work here is done.

  炸弹魔Scarlet:反应堆已经进入临界状态, 惊慌失措四处逃窜, 所有人都陷入破坏和疯狂...是的,可以说我在这里的工作已经完成了.

  Scarlet Briar: Sorry about all the death, and for the portal pandemonium.

  炸弹魔Scarlet:抱歉咯死去的各位啾咪(^.<), 还有混乱的传送门.

  Scarlet Briar: I told the Inquest chaos energy was a misnomer. Mind you, dragon energy is tricky, so I can see how they flubbed it.

  炸弹魔Scarlet:我告诉审判庭混沌能量是错误的说法. 请注意,巨龙能量非常棘手, 所以我就可以看他们把这一切搞的一团糟.

  Scarlet Briar: At least they helped identify the network of magical channels that crisscross the globe. That was a breakthrough.


  Scarlet Briar: Now we know how NOT to do this kind of research right on an intersection of those channels. Live and learn, right?

  炸弹魔Scarlet:现在我们明白不应该在通道的交叉点做这种实验. 活着的才会进步,不是吗?

  Scarlet Briar: That's progress. Hooray for progress! Ooh, but it's getting a bit too deady in here for me. 'Bye now! (Disappears afterwards)

  炸弹魔Scarlet:这就是进步.进步万岁!噢, 但是对我来说这当中有一点点致命.回见!(^.<)(消失之后)

  Dessa Observation Mode: I don't know how to say this, but the energies in that facility are...becoming something. It's an anomaly I can't explain.



  Approaching Thaumanova Anomaly


  Dessa Observation Mode: Full meltdown is moments away. You have to get by that thing, and fast. If it doesn't kill you, the radiation will.


  (战斗过程中)Dessa Observation Mode: Watch your step. There is a 99.9--with lots more nines--percent chance that falling into the reactor core will be fatal. (During Thaumanova Anamoly battle)Dessa:注意你脚下!注意你的脚步!掉落到反应核心有99.999(很多个9)的百份比会死掉(感谢梅花JACK指正)


  Dessa Observation Mode: Now the anamoly's overloading! Careful, that beam attack can permanently disperse platforms. (When Thaumanova Anomaly reaches 25% HP)

  Dessa:现在异常体过载了! 注意, 他的射线攻击会永久消除平台!


  Dessa Observation Mode: This is it! We've hit criticality! Rerouting all power to Fractal extraction! (Upon victory)

  Dessa:就是这样!我们已经全部完成了!重新选择路径, 所有能量导向碎片提取器.

  After extraction to Mistlock Observatory


  Dessa: I knew the reactor was dangerous--doubly so with the Inquest involved--but I wasn't ready to watch my friends die.


  Dessa: Greeza and Chibb weren't paragons of perfection, but they were good technicians. They deserved better than this. Being trapped in the moments leading to their own deaths? Repeating it with every new Fractal insertion? Horrific.

  Dessa:Greeza和Chibb并不能称得上完美, 但是他们都是优秀的技术员.他们应该得到比这更好的结果. 被困在其中,然后走向死亡?每一次提取新碎片这一切都会重复一次?太可怕了!

  Dessa: Watching them die was bad enough. I can only imagine how it must feel. I sincerely hope I never find out.

  Dessa:看着他们死已经够难受了.我只能想象他们(死亡时)的感受(有多难受)[感谢蔷薇之夏。闇指正:3]. 我由衷希望我从未发现这一切(Kiel都怪你哦!!)

  Captain Ellen Kiel: Welcome back. I'm sorry that was so crazy, but you handled it better than I could have.正妹Kiel:欢迎回来.很抱歉这实在太过疯狂, 但你将这一切控制的比我更好.

  Captain Ellen Kiel: Chaos energy or dragon energy--either way, Scarlet and the Inquest took this facility too far too fast.

  正妹Kiel:混沌能量或者巨龙能量--总之, Scarlet和审判庭带着这一切已经走得太快也太远.

  Captain Ellen Kiel: I don't understand sacrificing every worker here and endangering the entire surrounding area. Then again, I'm not evil or crazy.

  正妹Kiel:我不明白为什么要每个牺牲所有的工作人员并污染整个周边地区. 毕竟,我既不邪恶也不疯狂.

  Captain Ellen Kiel: At least we've got some good info to take back to the people of Lion's Arch. And that's not the only thing we're taking back.

  正妹Kiel:至少我们获取了一些不错的信息可以带回给狮子拱门的人. 而且我们不仅仅带回了这些.

  Captain Ellen Kiel: Dessa, you're coming with me. I've got a lot more questions that need answers.

  正妹Kiel:Dessa, 你和我一起来. 我有很多问题需要问你.

  Dessa: I don't--I can't--


  Captain Ellen Kiel: You're not under arrest, but I can't leave this machinery in Consortium hands. Now do us all a favor and come quietly. (Dessa walks into the asura gate. The screen flashes, and she re-appears in front of Kiel.)

  正妹Kiel:你并没有被拘捕, 但我不能将这个机器留在财团手中.现在帮我们一个忙,快点过来.(Dessa走进Asura门. 画面闪烁,然后她重新出现在Kiel面前.)

  Captain Ellen Kiel: Nice try. Dessa. I don't know what kind of mecha-magical gizmo you're using, but you can't get away from us that easily.

  正妹Kiel: 想得美, Dessa. 我不知道你在用什么什么神奇的小发明, 但你是无法轻易逃离我们的.

  Dessa: I'm sorry, have we met? Welcome to the Mistlock Observatory. So, are you interested in exploring the Fractals?

  Dessa:请原谅,我们之前有见过吗? 欢迎来到Mistlock观测台. 你们有兴趣探索这些碎片吗?

  Captain Ellen Kiel: You really don't recognize me, do you? You don't remember sending a team into the Thaumanova Reactor.

  正妹Kiel: 你真的不认识我了?你不记得你刚送了一支队伍前往Thaumanova反应堆?

  Dessa: Thaumanova? I've got friends on that krewe, and from what I understand, it's not a safe place to visit. Or work.

  Dessa:Thaumanova?我有一些克鲁时候的朋友在那里, 并且我从那里明白那不是一个适合工作或者观光的安全所在.

  Captain Ellen Kiel: Never mind. This is going to take some time to figure out. I'll be back, Dessa. Be here when I come for you.

  正妹Kiel: 别在意.这需要一些时间去解决, 我会回来的, Dessa. 当我回来找你的时候希望你在.

  Dessa: Not a problem. My life's work is here, and I couldn't leave it even if I wanted to.

  Dessa:没问题.我这一生的工作都在这里, 就算我想我也不能离开.

  Captain Ellen Kiel: I understand. At least, I think I'm starting to. My sincere apologies, citizen. Carry on.

  正妹Kiel:我明白了.至少, 我想我会明白的. 来自我诚挚的歉意,市民. 继续你的工作吧.

上一篇:激战2迈古玛之门剧情实地考察 揭开巨龙秘密 下一篇:激战2风裔事件及风裔圣所被毁缘由猜测


  • 游戏名称:激战2
  • 开发公司:Arenanet
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:MMORPG
  • 责任编辑:薛定谔的猫箱
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 玩家Q群:201180780

